On 6/21/2012 4:23 PM, Mischa D. Krilov wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm looking around for a trouble ticket system and I want to solicit
> your opinions. Does anyone have any notably good or bad experiences?
I've used Bugzilla, RT, Trac, and (now) Mantis.
I'm pretty familiar with the JSONRPC api for Bugzilla and I'm starting
to get familiar with its innards.
RT is nice, but not as easy to pick up and not as widely used. One of
my friends works for Best Practical in case you want any inside information.
Trac is (from my limited experience) pretty anemic.
Mantis looks interesting and may be comparable to Bugzilla, but I
because of familiarity, I would recommend Bugzilla. Mantis does look
more extensible as far as fields and such, though.
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