Re: [Nolug] language of choice?

From: B. Estrade <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:07:12 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I think you're asking for a fight! :P ... unless you show the 2 scripts,
there is no way to tell if, for example you replaced a really slow custom
routine with one of PHP 8,000 optimized, supported function calls. Just
because Perl doesn't pollute its name space and provides a minimal set of
non-Unix related functions doesn't mean that it can scream with speed. You
just know how to get it be nice to you.

PHP is fine for small scale sites. Not fine for system scripts. It's a
template language, no more functional than Perl's TemplateToolkit. In fact,
if TT was around when PHP was first created as a Perl script, then PHP
would never have been born.

That said, PHP was my second "web" language (following close on the heels
of HTMLScript/MivaScript). Perl was actually for me a systems language
first, then I decided to make the leap into using it for web and have been
very happy with it. For example Perl's CGI::Application + TT is a win all
day long, and this is even in light of the PSGI based Perl frameworks out

I know PHP is very popular and I think that if it gets people to program,
then it's a win no matter what. It definitely has Perl beat when it comes
to accessibility and learning curve.


On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Jerry Wilborn <>wrote:

> Throwing down the gauntlet(!): I believe I could port any Perl parsing
> script to PHP that would best it in simplicity and speed. One (slightly
> off topic) example is I've ported PHP and the speed was significantly increased (doubled) on similar
> hardware.
> That said, I'm reminded of the phrase "when your only tool is a hammer,
> everything looks like a nail." I think all of the languages have their
> advantages; PHP just seems to have so many more. ;)
> Jerry Wilborn
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 12:46 PM, John Fox <> wrote:
>> #! /usr/bin/perl.
>> I work in the financial industry, thus run ETLs on massive text files
>> from mainframe datasets.
>> Larry Wall rocks........
>> ----
>> John Fox
>> On August 20, 2013 9:41:21 PM Joey Kelly <> wrote:
>>> I started out with PHP, then switched to Perl some years back, after
>>> which my skills and understanding blossomed.
>>> That's me... what about you? Friends tell me that folks are choosing PHP
>>> less, now that Ruby and node.js are in town. What are your opinions of
>>> those, and of Java? I'm not even mentioning languages that run on That
>>> Other Operating System, because this is a family-oriented list.
>>> --
>>> Joey Kelly
>>> Minister of the Gospel and Linux Consultant
>>> 504-239-6550
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