Re: [Nolug] Directv demise

From: -ray <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 13:23:14 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

Yea, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you about i55. :) They
were a small company in Hammond started by some SLU students, and were
successful and got big pretty quickly...but still retained the advantages
of a small ISP (and still located in Hammond). When SLU got out of
providing dialup for students/faculty, we contracted with i55 for reduced
rates for providing dialup for students, and have since expanded it do
DSL. I deal with them at work, but am also a dsl customer. A few weeks
ago when i had dsl problems i put a call in, and the i55 tech didn't see
anything wrong right then, but gave me his cell # and said to call as soon
as the problem occured. It turned out to be a Bell problem. I'm just
saying i've had very good experiences with this company, but YMMV. I'd
much rather deal with them than bellsouth.

I ran into the i55 CFO at lunch today and talked for a few minutes. He
said due to the Directv issue, Bellsouth has waived all dsl setup fees for
the next two weeks. Those of you switching to other providers, keep this
in mind. So to get i55 dsl, the only setup fee is $50 for the modem.
They offer static ip and no port restrictions. Admittedly, their level 1
support is not very linux saavy, but the level 2 support is. All you have
to say is "linux, level 2 please".


Ray DeJean  			
Systems Engineer                    Southeastern Louisiana University
IBM Certified Specialist  	      AIX Administration, AIX Support
On 16 Dec 2002, Joey Kelly wrote:
> 1. Where you been all weekend? We've had 100+ posts about this very
> subject!
> 2. Unless you live out in the woods and have no other choice, I strongly
> disourage anyone from using I55. They have a really bad track record and
> I've never heard anything nice said about them, ever. Plus, I
> interviewed with them 2 years ago and they didn't seem like a company I
> wanted to work for.
> Southern Star (local, email John Souvestre about it), Speakeasy and, um,
> I forget who else seemed to be safe bets for what you want to do.
> --Joey
> On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 10:15, Carlos wrote:
> > It looks like with the demise of Directv we are all scrambling for a new
> > DSL provider.  I've had Directv for more than three years without
> > experiencing any problems and kind of get used to it.  I really liked
> > the easy setup, and the fact that I could use a Linux server to
> > masquerade as many PC as I wanted for the same price.  I don't know if
> > I'll be able to find some other provider that will let me do that!!  I
> > have a small VPN using SuSE Linux 8.1 that is working fine with Directv.
> > Now I don't know if I'll be able to find some other provider that will
> > let me do the same thing without having to pay extra bucks for the fixed
> > IP address needed for VPN. The way I see it with Cox aggressively
> > marketing broad band, and Bell South chocking up the "last mile" soon
> > there will be no choice.
> > 
> > Has anyone had experience with I55?
> > 
> > Carlos 
> > 
> > 
> > ___________________
> > Nolug mailing list
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Received on 12/16/02

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