Re: [Nolug] Suddenly, invalid MAC address

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: 16 Feb 2003 14:25:09 -0600
Message-Id: <1045427109.685.1.camel@haggis>

On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 18:21, Joey Kelly wrote:
> Ron,
> Take the machine down totally. Unplug everything from the board, etc., then
> reseat everything. While you're at it, blow off the board and each part with
> compressed air. You might have oxidation, or dust might be causing
> capacitance which could effectively short out something.
> I had a box that I had to do this to every couple of months. Weird, but doing
> the above made it run correctly. I've also made dead boxen come back to life
> simply by hitting the innards with compressed air.
> Then again, you might have a mobo that's going on the fritz. YMMV.

Looks like it was a heat problem. When I powered it up at noon, it
worked fine.

> --Joey
> Thou spake:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I had to reboot my machine tonight, because it seemed like
> >my keyboard went bonkers (I could only get lowercase when
> >CAPS LOCK was on, and I couldn't get chars like comma, dot &
> >slash, but only left-angle, right-angle & question-mark). A
> >check of the temp in the BIOS didn't show anything too high:
> >CPU 50C & mobo 29C
> >
> >When I rebooted the machine, eth0 wouldn't come up. A check
> >of syslog said "Invalid MAC Address".
> >
> >How could this be, when that card was working not 5 minutes
> >beforehand?
> >
> >The machine is off now, just in case it was a heat problem.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Ron

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home:           |
| Jefferson, LA  USA ron.l.johnson |
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Received on 02/16/03

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