Chris Bloch has posted a story on the website for future meeting
topics. I will repost them here as well. Please reply if you're
going to take one of these topics. tell us how long it might be and
when you could be prepared to present it. We currently have one topic
tentatively scheduled for April's meeting.
IPsec: We've tried this before but it didn't go well. IPSEC is hard to
explain as it's pretty advanced. I may try to do this one myself at a later
date as I have done it with Linux. I'm using it now to encrypt/auth my wireless
open-source applications (Open Office, etc.): presuming something like end-user
desktop replacements for common apps in the "other" OS?
Gentoo Linux: this would be cool. I use it. someone else does here too.
runlevels: interesting.
support: where to find help for Linux
CUPS (which was rejected as being too simple, but I think there is a
lot of information there) someone could do 20 minutes on CUPS and
frontends. I think it's a good topic too.
-- Scott Harney<> "...and one script to rule them all." gpg key fingerprint=7125 0BD3 8EC4 08D7 321D CEE9 F024 7DA6 0BC7 94E5
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