Re: [Nolug] meeting topic story on website.

From: Craig Jackson <>
Date: 24 Mar 2003 11:09:21 -0600
Message-Id: <>

I think a good topic would be package managers, such as apt, emerge,rpm,
and even non-dist related ones like relink and stow. Does anyone have
experience using these? I'd like to know if anyone has experience using
apt on redhat. The subject can get a little complicated, esp when
building from source, changing configure options, compile options, etc
etc. 2 pennies.

On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 09:53, Scott Harney wrote:
> Chris Bloch has posted a story on the website for future meeting
> topics. I will repost them here as well. Please reply if you're
> going to take one of these topics. tell us how long it might be and
> when you could be prepared to present it. We currently have one topic
> tentatively scheduled for April's meeting.
> IPsec: We've tried this before but it didn't go well. IPSEC is hard to
> explain as it's pretty advanced. I may try to do this one myself at a
> later
> date as I have done it with Linux. I'm using it now to encrypt/auth my
> wireless
> connection
> open-source applications (Open Office, etc.): presuming something like
> end-user
> desktop replacements for common apps in the "other" OS?
> Gentoo Linux: this would be cool. I use it. someone else does here too.
> runlevels: interesting.
> support: where to find help for Linux
> CUPS (which was rejected as being too simple, but I think there is a
> lot of information there) someone could do 20 minutes on CUPS and
> frontends. I think it's a good topic too.

Craig Jackson
Wildnet Group L.L.C.
103 North Park, Suite 110
Covington, Louisiana 70433
985 875 9453
Nolug mailing list
Received on 03/24/03

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