Re: [Nolug] Cox's idea about fighting spam

From: LinuxLaw <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 00:37:42 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Charles clearly didn't like someone's opinion so he then demands to know
where they work???....that sounds a little nutty. That sounds alot like
a threat. How is his place of employment relevant unless you are
implying a threat to the person or their job? Charles didn't screw up
b/c he works for Cox -- he screwed up because he didn't like what
someone had to say and then tried to shut them up. Unchecked threats
can result in control. Unchecked threats can result in censorship. I'd
say Charles did a pretty good job of attempting to get some control over
the list. He probably succeeded in chilling some discussion.

Scott Harney wrote:

>Censorship would imply that Charles has some sort of control over list content
>or membership.
>[snip snip snip.....]

Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/13/03

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