Re: [Nolug] php help: storing from variable # of form entries

From: Scott Harney <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 23:01:02 -0500
Message-ID: <87brubhhq9.fsf@zenarcade.local.lan>

"Christopher M. Jones" <> writes:

> I am just learning some php to make a web application. I have hit upon
> what is (to me) an insuperable problem. I need to create a form page
> that presents a variable number of inputs. The php needs to iterate
> through this variable number of form inputs to store the data into a
> database.
> For example, a list of students is presented (size of class varies)
> along with entry fields for grades. Hit a button at the bottom of the
> page and all entered grades are stored.
> The problem I have is how to iterate the name of the variable from the
> <input name=<varname>> tag. Does this make sense? I have been unable
> to find example code that does what I want. Maybe someone could at
> least point me in the right direction?

php populates array $_GET or $_POST depending on the form type
you use.

foreach ($_GET as $varname) {
     //do something
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value {
    echo "$key => $value"

also see for loop documenation and docs for the each() function

Scott Harney<>
"...and one script to rule them all."
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