Joey Kelly wrote:
> When: Saturday, 2/7/2004, at 3PM
> Where: Dot's Diner on Jefferson at LaBarre (2 lights or so from Causeway)
> What: Hit-and-run Linux meeting. No set topic. Whoever shows, shows.
We had a pretty good Guerrilla Linux yesterday. Here's the skinny for
those who missed it.
Attendees included: Joey Kelly, Paul Taylor, Jim (James) Scott, Jeff
Lastname (?), Judson Lester, Helmut Ermlich, and me. Tom, I'd offer a
public shaming for your not showing up, but Star Wars is a valid excuse.
The meeting lasted several hours, with folks finally leaving about 8:30pm.
Notable topics: Helping Paul work though his smoothwall/ipcop networking
issues, discovering why Helmut had mondo troubles installing RH on a
laptop, a push to get me running a mailserver at home, many many war
stories, and a good couple of comparisons for which distro to choose and
why. Also, Joey gave me back my Suse CDs. PS, Joey, I have your extra
discs 3 and 4.
Helpful links:
Dot's News:
They've got a bunch of new appetizers, including mozzarella sticks,
onion rings, and popcorn shrimp.
In short, gang, I think we can all agree that Joey's Guerrilla Linux
idea is working. We're seeing new faces, there's a nice high degree of
interaction and socialization, folks are exchanging ideas and knowledge,
and we get to eat besides! For those of you that missed yesterday's
get-together, feel free to call a Guerrilla Linux in the future. The
informal nature allows anyone to get the ball rolling.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 02/08/04
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