Re: [Nolug] How to get rid of lilo?? -- other option

From: Mischa Krilov <>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 00:33:11 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Petri Laihonen wrote:

> The biggest problem with all suggested solutions still remains. How to boot
> from the floppy or CD-ROM? THAT is the reason for all my questions to begin
> with.

Have you looked at Smart Boot Manager? It's a boot chooser util that
fits on a floppy.

Other things to try (off the top of my head, you may have already
pursued these lines of investigation):

Can you boot from floppy or CD if the suspect drive is taken out of the

Can you slap an IDE drive in as master and wipe out the MBR on the SCSI
drive? (something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1)

Alternatively, use a boot floppy (I like tomsrtbt, personally: to do the above.

Maybe changing the SCSI drive's number would help prevent the box from
trying to boot it? I'm a little sketchy on SCSI, so I'm not sure if that
makes sense. Also, the SCSI adapter or card may have some pre-boot
utility you can get into in order to low level format the drive. Try
looking for POST messages to that effect.

Some BIOSes prevent the OS from writing to the MBR with a "virus
protection" option. Check to see if disabling such protection would help
you muck with the MBR.

Hope this helps!


Nolug mailing list
Received on 02/14/04

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