Re: [Nolug] NOLUG tonight!

From: Alex McKenzie <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 19:05:06 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Mischa Krilov wrote:
> I'll bring the DVD and scare up some speakers, Tom's bringing his laptop
> to play the DVD, Joey's also going to bring some extra speakers. If
> anyone has a video projector, feel free to bring it as a backup in case
> someone's got the room already.

Or, you could plug it into the wall and use the classroom projector...

Alex McKenzie
"Things have gotten so bad in this country, you look back at Richard 
Nixon with nostalgia." -- Ralph Nader
"Don't touch it by hand on contact of plug.  Don't mixed the mess" -- 
instructions on electronic device
Nolug mailing list
Received on 04/15/04

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