[Nolug] August Meeting

From: nimrod_at_cox.net
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 14:45:26 -0400
Message-Id: <20040720184525.CKFI27302.lakermmtao05.cox.net@smtp.east.cox.net>

I was thinking that we can have the meeting next month at Chinese Tea Garden.. the downside is that they do not have buffet but the upside is they do have wireless internet... I think it is ADSL.. They are right across the street from Italian Pie on elysian fields.. They address is 2170 filmore street and the phone number is 282-1493.... Joey you think you can make a poll when we have more places on the site so we can vote!??!



Nolug mailing list
Received on 07/20/04

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