Re: [Nolug] Using ssmtp to feed emails to my ISP

From: Scott Harney <>
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 2004 09:25:07 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Ron Johnson wrote:

> I'd like to be able to use this as a "feeder", so that "all" my
> users MTAs, plus things that only work with Sendmail, can send the
> data to one place on the LAN, which then funnels it out to
> Would that work?

Not really. you need to be able to receive mail from user's MTA's.
SSMTP doesn't do that. It only does localhost. It would be good to use
to feed your local mailhub from your local user boxes. Run a good solid
simple mailer like postfix and set up "" as your
relayhost. you only have to set about 4 variables in
/etc/postfix/ You distribution may be smart enought to set that
up with little intervention from you and you just stick 'relayhost =' at the end of that file.

Scott Harney<>
"Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong answers"
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