> Petri Laihonen wrote:
>>Most likely it is winmodem.
>>(gee how much that crap has sold within the past)
>>Try looking for a winmodem driver for fedora.
>>>I have a pentium III with 550 mhz chip and two hard drives. One is
>>>windows XP and the other is running Fedora Core I. I can get on line
>>> with
>>>XP, I am using dial up, but not with Linux. I think the problem is that
>>>Linux doesn't recognize my modem. It shows up in the hardware browser
>>> as
>>>unknown device: "U.S. Robotics 56K Fax Int: unknown" What can I do to
>>>hooked up.
>>>Bill Johnson
> U.S. Robotics 56K *external* works fine with Linux. Could the internal
> be an entirely different design?
Naturally. It may have been manufactured different at time and factory.
Internal modems have to fight for the com ports and IRQ's with the ones
already assigned to peripherals. (For example external com port where
external modems are connected.)
If your modem dos have jumpers for setting up com port and irq, then it
may not be a winmodem. Otherwise 99% chance of being winmodem.
USR website should also be able to help with this.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 09/27/04
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