Re: [Nolug] need help with Suse 9.1 Professional

From: Charles Cox <>
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 12:57:00 -0700
Message-Id: <>

I had the firewall turned on then I turned it off to see if it would
make any difference.I have it turned back on now.I need to mention I
have an SMC Barricade router and have it setup on NAT for ports 8000 and
80 to work on Gateway is

I had this same config working on MacIntosh 7300/180 with Yellow Dog
Linux running. Also had it on win 2000 machine. I want to be able to run
it on my SuSe machine, I have had no luck networking the 3 together.

Thanks ,I will try to see what I can do with the firewall issue.

On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 12:54, Joey Kelly wrote:
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=64 time=0.143 ms
> >
> > this is what I get from ping
> >
> > With the old Apache 1.3 I was able to pull up my website on
> > or http://localhost or
> Ah, ok, now I understand what you're asking about.
> try http://localhost:8000. However, I don't see anything running on that port,
> according to netstat.
> Are you running a firewall? If so I would run apache on the standard port, and
> have the firewall redirect port 8000 on the outside to port 80 on your
> webserver. That way, anything on your LAN will work "normally", at least as
> far as http goes. The way you're trying to do it should work, however.
> >
> > I am still learning a lot of this stuff and I do get confused sometimes
> > and dont know which direction to go in.
> No biggie. That's why we're here :-)

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Received on 10/09/04

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