Mischa Krilov wrote:
> Debian basically freaked out since it couldn't see
> its /var.
> Anyway, I was able to resolve this with a workaround: I forced the SCSI
> modules to load by putting them by hand into /etc/modules.
Strange that the installer didn't take care of this.
In any case, I've found for a few years now that whenever I upgrade from
a debian kernel to a debian kernel (i.e, I use apt-get and don't compile
my own), that it builds initrd so that the disks mount correctly.
> Now in the process of
> figuring out how to add that permanently to GRUB.
On debian, edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst.
Look for the line that starts "# kopt=" and add it there.
Then, run /sbin/update-grub.
This has the added advantage of updating the relevent lines whenever you
apt-get install a new kernel.
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Received on 11/08/04
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