I know it is possible, but it is so much less of a hassle. She
cheerfully uses a laptop with FreeBSD, and will even surf the web when
my pc is runnin FBSD, but her classes (UNO) all use pdf, doc, ppt, etc.
Plus she needs to print shit all the time. I know all of this can be
set up within *BSD/*nix, but it is a lot less of a hassle switching
between system. I use FBSD for most things (web, programming, etc), but
when I need to hammer out a paper and print stuff I boot up winbloze.
One of these days, I am going to set up the printer, but I just don't
have anytime; but to tell you the truth, I'd rather spend the time
figuring out how to emulate win2k on bochs under freebsd :)
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 10:33:42 -0500, "Mark A. Hershberger"
<mah@everybody.org> said:
> On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 08:39 -0600, Brett D. Estrade wrote:
> >Alex, as noble and ideal as that may sound, it is also unrealistic. I
> >have to dual boot, and I all I have is a girlfriend, 2 dogs and a cat!
> Setting up Linux for your GF isn't unrealistic unless there is some
> must-have app that doesn't run under Linux.
> I've got Linux set up on three different systems in my house. My wife
> and kids (ages 4,6,8) use it all the time.
> The only dual-boot machine is my laptop. And that is only for the VPN
> client that I have to use sometimes.
> (BTW, I'm running Ubuntu Hoary: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/)
> Mark.
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