Re: [Nolug] polite rant (was: Webhosting suggestions?)

From: Brett D. Estrade <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 12:46:59 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Joey Kelly wrote:
> Guys,
> Maybe it's just me, but when I got into this thing back early 2000, the thing
> to do if you were a self-respecting Linux geek was to set up your own
> web/mail/DNS/whatever server if you were rich enough to get a DSL line. I
> understand that several providers have taken it upon themselves to block
> outbound web and mail, but still, I see a lack of enthusiasm on this list and
> the nolug list about such things.

Not everyone is a linux/oss activist, and that is not what I see this list as. Also, is there
really such a thing as a "self-respecting Linux geek"? BSD-geek, maybe, but *any* script kiddie
can set up a linux box, so it ain't kewl no more. As with most things, the hey-day of being a
Linux advocate has lost its luster, and now like the protesters from the '60s, the linux geeks of
the early days are now in the real world worry about real problems. In a nutshell, a monkey can
set up a webserver on a port other than 80, so no one is really drawn to it.

> Maybe everyone's just into using Linux as a desktop OS these days, and that's
> fine, but if any of you are thinking of doing any kind of administration or
> support for a living, I strongly suggest that you leverage the fact that you
> have at your disposal the best networking OS available, for free. You might
> not have access to Cisco gear --- I still don't, but that hasn't stopped me
> from learning at least something about practically every aspect of networking
> and computers. As a result of my inquisitiveness and tinkering, I quite often
> end up instructing Cisco- and other-certified techs a thing or two now and
> then.

I think that anyone that tinkers with linux/bsd/freenix is bound to get a lot more familiar with
networking concepts. Most will eventually learn the join of server hopping and irc'ing, and will
wonder why they even needed a mouse once they become proficient with the commandline. The meek
shall inherit the Earth however, and what I mean by this is that those who need the most hand
holding will dictate the direction of things. This is why M$ windows is still popular - because
it is "the OS that 9/10 grandmothers choose" because it attempts to do every last thing for you.
To "us", this makes us feel dumb because we like tinkering, but the reality is that most people
have other shit on their minds than, "how do I start up apache to listen on 8080". I mean, that
is just not what most people are interested in.

> I don't claim to be much of an expert, you understand, but I've played
> with this stuff on a non-click-and-drool OS for so long, I've gotten to know
> my way around the networking model.

Good for you, however most see it as a major step if they can check the pictures of their new
grandkid via email or www. How do you think grease monkies tinkering on their '84 broncos feel
when they see some asshat with a jacked up Tundra still shiny from the dealership that only needs
an oil change every 4500 miles that you can't do yourself...this is the same thing, and we must
realize the most people are not the type to change their own oil nor do they want a car (OS) that
requires them to do so...they just want to get from A to B.

> ^C
> >
> > On Monday May 2 2005 20:41, michael dolan spake:
> >
> >>It's actually been a few years since I've done it. I think it might be
> >>time to do it again. I just played around with it anyway, and when the
> >>Mb died in that computer I stopped.. I knew cox upped both down and
> >>upload speed, but I had a brain freeze. Sorry, I had an exam today.
> >>Michael
> >>
> >>Joey Kelly wrote:
> >>
> >>>On Monday May 2 2005 17:24, michael dolan spake:
> >>>
> >>>>You can easily get around your ISP blocking port 80, but the upload
> >>>>speeds will kill you on a cable connection.
> ___________________
> Nolug mailing list

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