Re: [Nolug] Why i believe PHP is out to get me.

From: Dave Cash <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 15:05:00 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 wrote:

> Hi list,...
> Ive got this streak im trying to break. I figured perhaps someone here could
> help me out.
> Every time i get into a unix/linux project,.. i hit a wall and give up. Usually
> that wall is PHP. I have never ever ever gotten it to work. Ive tried a billion
> times on a billion different projects but i always end up giving up because of
> PHP. Ive followed walk throughs for a snort/acid box on at least 7 different
> flavors of linux (and BSD). I have even bought every book on PHP with a chapter
> dedicated to installation. But ive never gotten one totally up and running, and
> usually just give up after a couple weeks of fiddling with it.
> Now im working on a mail server which includes squrilmail. And guess what,..
> built PHP from source and cant get it to work with apache. Im on over 2 weeks
> of playing with it, recompilng with different configure options to no avail.
> For the life of me i just cant get PHP to work. (actually php works, just not
> with apache. if i run php -v from prompt i get response.)
> I dont want to throw in the towel again and walk away from this project. I want
> to get it working, but im at a loss. Is there anybody out there with a little
> spare time to lend me a hand?
> The Particulars
> Apache 2.0.53 (From Ports)
> PHP 4.3.11(configured --enable-track-vars --enable-force-cgi-redirect
> --with-gettext --with-mysql)
> the problem
> To configure apache to use php i have to tell it where is (in
> httpd.conf). I dont have a file anywhere on the computer.
> Just to give you an example of why i am loosing my hair. Take the Find command.
> #man find
> find -name [filename] yadda yadda yadda
> #find -name
> find: illegal option -n
> find: illegal option -a
> find: illegal option -m
> find: illegal option -e

I'm surprised the PHP install doesn't add the lines to httpd.conf
for you, but since it doesn't, perhaps this will help:

You're missing an argument to the find command. The first argument
should be where you want find to start looking. If you're searching
you're whole system for a file called, try this:

  # find / -name

But find can be kinda slow (it crawls everything in real time). If
locate is up and running on your system (and it's indexed your file
system since has appeared), then you can do this:

  # locate

which should give you immediate results.

Also, have you considered installing PHP from a package? That might
just take care of everything for you automatically (not speaking
from direct experience).

I hope that helps.

Take care,


Dave Cash Power to the People!
Frolicking in Fields of Garlic Right On-Line! Dig it all.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 08/17/05

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