Re: [Nolug] next month's meeting ideas

From: Jeffrey Hendricks <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 17:29:30 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
Message-ID: <>

I've built a couple of Myth boxen, using Fedora or Suse and yum, and even did one from source code. Once you get the package sources added correctly, you can create a Myth box in about 5 commands... "yum install myth*" and go get a sandwich. Come back, import the MySQL database, run the mythtv-setup, and run "mythbackend & mythfrontend" and it's good to go. The plugins need more work, like XMame and libdvdcss and such, but once you know what it's looking for, it's not a problem. I've even built a box using Logical Volumes, so you can seamlessly add drive space later on if you like without having to change a single Myth config file.

However, I've not made one to work with a real capture card, as I don't have a fully compatible one, and they're not that cheap. But setting up the channels and system prefs is a piece of cake once it's installed. I'd be happy to post a howto, but it's already been done... I could do a NOLUG-specific version!

Thoughts? I've generally had a tough time making it to meetings, but I can try to help out, i.e. write how-tos, build demo boxes, etc.

-Jeff Hendricks

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bart Pittari <>
>Sent: Aug 21, 2006 9:02 AM
>Subject: Re: [Nolug] next month's meeting ideas
>Ditto for MythTV - I've been looking at trying to put something together. I
>will say however that the HP Media Center that I see sold at the Best Buys
>and CompUSAs of the world looks pretty nice with all the ports it has on the
>back, etc. How well it works, I'm not sure on yet. It'd be sweet to make
>something that had those capabilities.
>On 8/21/06, Trey Fox <> wrote:
>> I know someone who has....I could email him and ask for a step-by-step!
>> --
>> Trey Fox
>> - Administrator
>> - Administrator

Nolug mailing list
Received on 08/21/06

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