Re: [Nolug] Introducing myself

From: Dennis J Harrison Jr <>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 21:42:36 -0600
Message-ID: <>

I have used php here and there since 1998. I will never willingly
touch it again :)


It has trash for unit tests and PDO is buggier than all get out. Lack
of real name spaces is also a minor annoyance. And what really turned
me off, was I guess... having to constantly fix very poorly written
code. Not to mention that it completely and totally pales in
comparison to python/c#/java(shudder)/erlang(syntax?!)/boo/C/etc...
for any sort of heavy lifting/programmer sanity. Especially in a
larger code base such as a project like sugarcrm is bound to have.
And then the wide spread use of smarty... ugh. I guess... if I were
to use php again today, it would be wielded in a totally different
manner. But I can't see myself giving up all the easy buttons python
has spoiled me with.

Have a peak at trellis for an example of something you can't sanely do
somewhere else.

Also, the much hated ZODB (aka, super pickle!) :)

Although, to each their own. And please forgive my zealous opinion :)
 As I am clearly a python advocate.

My view is that python is the best language to use unless you have a
very good reason for using another language (you NEED multi threading
and can't cope using events... etc)
Which then usually has me in C.

Not to say that I am blind to the much touted reasons for so much dev
continuing to be done in php. I am just lucky enough not to 'need' to
use php any more.


Africa?! Sounds fun.

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Mark A. Hershberger <> wrote:
> "Dennis J Harrison Jr" <> writes:
>> Anyone use PHP because it is "well supported, and mature" ?
> I use PHP because it is available everywhere and almost anyone can pick
> it up quickly.
> Which, in some sense, means it is well supported and mature.
> What fascinates me is how some people use PHP as a fast-and-loose
> script-it-now language, others use it like C — trying to get as much
> performance as possible and worrying about things like variable
> interpolation in strings, and still others (the project I'm working on)
> use it as a "real" OO language for building enterprise applications.
> PHP is better at "worse is better" than Perl is. (And, yes, Perl is my
> true love.)
> Mark.
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