Re: [Nolug] Who usually shows up for meetings?

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2008 16:01:03 -0600
Message-ID: <>

On 12/07/08 12:11, Petri Laihonen wrote:
> Goes a bit OT, but what the hey..... Joey is out of country.
> he-he..... :-)
> I've never known any dirt poor people in Finland. Or rather it would be
> very difficult to point them out from the crowd due to good social care
> system. (Yes, it is for everyone, not only to old folks). Even I've
> enjoyed benefits from it. I've also contributed to it in the form of
> taxes. Progressive taxation is also one good method of reducing the huge
> differences between poor and rich. Fear for taxes here in US is odd to
> me, then on the other hand, I've been here long enough to understand
> why. Here you can not trust your tax money to be used correctly, while
> as in Finland, I've never encountered any statement about money
> blatantly used incorrectly (by mistake perhaps, but I have not heard of
> that either...) The whole society benefits from taxes. No Finland is not
> Socialist country, but rather a good combination / balance of socialism
> and capitalism. For eaxmple, over 100yr old company, Nokia is not owned
> by a government, and these days do pay hefty share of all taxes
> collected in Finland.
> There are drawbacks from a good social care system..... Social
> Leeches..... Especially from Northern and Eastern African countries.
> Those are the ones bleeding into the country with an excuse of Political
> asylum and as a return they bring Murder, Rape, Violent gangs, stuff
> normal to their society.

Be careful what you write, Petri. There are millions of people who
would instantly read it as racist, and millions more who would use
it to confirm their biases.

> Yep... Finland is not Utopia, but a lot closer in comparison what I
> see(n) here.....

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA
How does being physically handicapped make me Differently-Abled?
What different abilities do I have?
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Received on 12/07/08

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