Re: [Nolug] RMS vs Cisco (Round 1 *ding*ding*)

From: Ron Johnson <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 10:17:22 -0600
Message-ID: <>

On 12/15/08 10:07, Jeremy (mailing list box) wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
>> There are problems with it, specifically the DMCA and basically-
>> infinite lengths of copyright, but copyrights and patents *are*
>> important.
> I agree. A big problem is that the copyright system tends chill a lot
> of innovative ideas and content. For example, for years people have
> tried to remix and fiddle with Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall".
> The pieces were undeniably VERY different, but in all but one notable
> case, they were pulled or order out of existence. When a system chills
> out expression, there is a problem.

PF has the right, which I defend, to release their music any way
they wish, just as I defend MSFT's right to release closed-source s/w.

>> Besides, even though you may not like certain laws, you still follow
>> them anyway, while working to change them, because that's how civil
>> societies survive.
> I guess civil disobedience is a dead concept then, no?

Civilized disobedience like the March To Selma, or uncivilized
disobedience like the anarchists mob attacks at global trade meetings?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA
How does being physically handicapped make me Differently-Abled?
What different abilities do I have?
Nolug mailing list
Received on 12/15/08

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