[Nolug] Re: NOLUG mailing list bug

From: Mark A. Hershberger <mah_at_everybody.org>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 12:02:11 -0400
Message-ID: <87vdluj5oc.fsf@everybody.org>

Joey Kelly <joey@joeykelly.net> writes:

>> GMail, however, sees the encoded and unencoded sections and says "I
>> guess the header was lying and this is all plain text". So it shows the
>> base64 encoded body.
> As I understand it (correct me otherwise), when Curtis sends to the list on
> his crackberry, and someone on gmail replies, Curtis' post gets garbled. Nice
> corner case.

It is otherwise. He sends an email to the list. The list adds a
plain-text signature, and the resulting email is not displayed on
Gmail because the email header says it is base64 encoded but there is
non-base64-encoded content.

> Does everything he sends look garbled in gmail?

Everything that goes through the list will. I'm sure he could send
email directly to a gmail account without a problem. He would have to
confirm that.

> Another workaround (not the best suggestion, surely) would be to copy
> the text you wanted to reply to, hit reply in gmail,

This workaround won't work. The problem is: gmail users see his emails
as garbled text because your mailing list software is adding an
un-encoded, plain-text signature to an email that is base64 encoded.


Every day, mindful practice.  When the mind is disciplined, then the
Way can work for us.  Otherwise, all we do is talk of the Way; everything
is just words; and the world will know us as its one great fool.
Nolug mailing list
Received on 07/15/09

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