Re: [Nolug] Meeting Request

From: Joey Kelly <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:21:10 -0500
Message-Id: <>

On Fri May 28 2010 2:19 pm, Charles Jouglard wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I have been designated as the lead IPV6 person for Cox Louisiana for
> residential and commercial external customers. We do have the basic
> deployment plan in place already for IPV6. I am scheduled to attend an
> in-depth briefing in early June. I would be more then happy to attend a
> meeting and share the available information. However, one challenge I have
> is the regular meeting date conflicts with two other meetings I must to
> attend.
> Perhaps after I attend the briefing we could have a Saturday guerrilla
> session separate from the normal meeting date?

Absolutely. Name the place and time, and the floor is yours.

Joey Kelly
Minister of the Gospel and Linux Consultant
Nolug mailing list
Received on 05/28/10

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