Re: [Nolug] Why you shouldn't be afraid of asking geeks about taxes and the law

From: Clint Billedeaux <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 20:48:09 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:37 PM, Mark A. Hershberger <>wrote:

> Scott Cotton <> writes:
> > Just because you go to a website and read some information about taxes
> > etc.. does not make you an instant expert. An expert will find stuff
> > that you missed or just plan didn't see. =)
> I agree that experts are not something that happens instantly. If you
> need an authority on a subject, you would ask someone who spends a good
> deal of their time doing whatever it is you're curious about. But most
> times curiosity does not require a professional to answer it.
> A hobbiest or amateur (from the Latin for “lover”) can can also be an
> authority on any given subject. Just because someone's knowledge does
> not come from being paid to learn it doesn't make their knowledge less
> useful.
> True. Very true. It makes it free or less expensive at best, and prone to
the flaws of never having to be fiscally responsible for errors and
omissions at worst.

> Mark.
> --
> War begins by calling for the annihilation of the Other,
> but ends ultimately in self-annihilation.
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> Nolug mailing list

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