Re: [Nolug] Android phone apps for Linux cmdline geeks

From: Philip Amadeo Saeli <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:24:03 -0500
Message-ID: <>

* Mischa D. Krilov <> [2013-06-21 09:57:24 -0500]:
> ConnectBot is a good ssh/telnet client. You can install Busybox for more
> shell things, but I think it requires root. What "basic Linux apps" are you
> looking for? There is an rsync for Android.

Yes, rsync is another of the apps I'd like to have on the device.

> You make mention of some apps on your Linux device, but no details. What
> specifically are you looking for?

I do systems and network admin of remote, data-center hosted Linux
systems. I need apps for setting up, accessing, configuring,
monitoring, etc.

Currently, on my N810 I have:

- busybox apps
- bash
- ssh (client and server; openssh, not the "Dropbear" variant!)
- rsync
- terminal emulators (busybox and ROXTerm)
- nmap and
- bzip2
- gzip
- zip
- diff
- ftp client
- hexedit
- Ogg/Vorbis and FLAC tools for audio files
- openvpn
- diff
- socat
- netcat
- Vim (gotta have Vim!)

It has a Skype client as well.

> If you're paranoid about Google, here's my advice: Create a new Google
> Account that you will only use on your phone and tie it to a Google Play
> gift card instead of your credit card. I think the sync options that you
> get are very valuable- contacts sync alone, and you'll want to use their
> store to get trusted apps.

Where does one obtain Google Play gift cards? I have very little recent
experience with gift cards of any type.

> Let me know if you have more questions. I'm happy to share.
> Mischa

Thanks, Mischa, for all of the info!


Philip Amadeo Saeli
openSUSE, RHEL, CentOS
On the NorthShore
Nolug mailing list
Received on 06/21/13

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