Re: [Nolug] ideas to help nolug grow

From: Craig Jackson <>
Date: 24 Feb 2003 08:26:57 -0600
Message-Id: <>

On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 10:03, Brett D. Estrade wrote:
> T.E.Stirewalt wrote:
> > Making a group grow ....
> >

Location: UNO is a great place to meet: Plenty of seating, lots of
parking. I don't believe that's the issue.

Time: I miss most of the meetings because I'm busy as hell even at 7:30
and I can't think of another time when I wouldn't be, except maybe
Sunday evening. Work and kids sums it up. I suspect you'll find this
true of most people.

Advertizing: Great idea. But when you get lodes of people there things
have to be organized and directed. People want to see "bleeding edge"
Linux doing great stuff and then they want to know how the hell you did
that. Example, a Linux multimedia show with the latest KDE, crossover
office, mplayer, video editing, browsers running all the plugins, etc.
-- supplemented with materials that explicitly show you how to do it.
Remember, people that show up are mostly new to Linux. Then we could
have specialized meetings for more advanced users with systems set up
and materials showing how to. I know, the how to's are already out
there, but it's always better to hear and see personally from someone
with personal experience. That's one of the reasons for a LUG.

Dedication: NOT a one man show. One person can't do it. It would take
coordination and work.

Ouch, I slipped off the pulpit...

Craig Jackson
Wildnet Group L.L.C.
103 North Park, Suite 110
Covington, Louisiana 70433
985 875 9453
Nolug mailing list
Received on 02/24/03

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