Re: [Nolug] Qmail for Clam and Spamassassin

From: Mark A. Hershberger <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 14:48:29 -0500
Message-ID: <>

"J. Kent Busbee, Jr." <> writes:

> Now, I did notice that you can plug "ClamAV" into "sendmail", but I
> don't think you can plug Spamassassin into "sendmail". Also, I know
> that a few persons on this list have gone with the "qmail", "sendmail",
> "spamassassin" solution and have raved about it.

I think what people rave about is SpamAssassin (SA), not qmail and
certainly not sendmail.

SA does a good job.

That said, for any MTA you might suggest, there is likely a modular
plug-in system available that you could fit any anti-virus and spam
software that you want into it.


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Received on 07/28/03

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