Quoting jacklinux@cox.net:
> Back to the brownies a moment. Security. I think you all caught my little
> “…like your college roommate used to make” reference so it brings up the
> interesting question of illegal search and seizure.
Actually, I missed the reference. None my my roommates made brownies like that.
They just stayed up all night playing StreetFighter II.
And "illegal search and seizure"? You forgot that "everything's different" now
in this post-Sept-11th world.
Law abiding citizens obviously don't have anything to fear from law-enforcement,
so letting the police non-invasively query your home is certainly acceptable.
And really, think a little beyond government. If the government can query the
items in your house -- and we do want safer living, don't we? -- then someone
else can query your house.
This reminds me of the On-Star system that GM or whoever has for your car. I'm
betting it wouldn't be too hard to socially-engineer a car door open.
> Am I all alone here in thinking either way it would be cool???
It's cool to let the cops query your house?
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