Re: [Nolug] VoIP routers for $70 and a little work

From: -ray <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 14:06:18 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 28 May 2004, Petri Laihonen wrote:

> Here in US, things run behind from the rest of the world. Especially in
> mobile phone systems and services. Even in many countries considered as
> "third world" mobile networks are more extensive than land lines.
> Currently my company is providing mobile services and testing new services
> with operators in several latin and south american countries and some are
> really far ahead from what we can do here in US. This is a good hub for
> the operations though.

That is because most third world countries, and even Europe and Asia, do
not have the extensive wired infrastructure that we enjoy in the US.
They have no choice but to do wireless. I don't care what anyone says,
wireless will never be as reliable and efficient as a wire (well at least
not for a long time).

I took a wireless course a few months ago where we discussed, in great
detail, the intricate details of layer 1 802.11 and cellular (CDMA, TDMA,
GSM) networks. The extreme complexity and what can only be described as
hardcore hacking that it takes to make those networks run is mind
boggling. When someone has problems with a wireless device and asks "Why
doesn't this work?", your first response should be "Why the hell should
it?" :)


Nolug mailing list
Received on 05/28/04

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