[Nolug] ideas to help nolug grow

From: Joey Kelly <joey_at_joeykelly.net>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 19:44:59 +0000
Message-Id: <20030223014242.HYXM1249.imf15bis.bellsouth.net@there>

Hey y'all,

We tossed a few ideas around at this week's nolug meeting (like we always do,
I guess) as to how we can make our club grow/improve/whatever:

1). I mentioned that the Baton Rouge Linux Users Group (http://brlug.org) is
gearing up to offer linux classes to interested parties. I lurk on their
list, and don't know the scope of what they are trying to do (will they
charge for the classes, what target audience are the trying to reach, etc.?),
but they do seem rather hyped about it. Could we do something similar here in
New Orleans? Several people expressed reservations, mainly about the present
strength of nolug being a large barrier to the success of this type of

2). Several people made the statement that UNO is kind of far or
out-of-the-way, and if the meetings were closer to Metairie, they'd feel more
like coming. Also the idea of holding a second meeting during the week was
suggested, and everyone seemed to be in favor of that. Delgado was suggested
as an acceptable place to hold an alternate meeting (is this a good idea,
will they go for it? would UNO feel slighted if we held meetings at another
campus? Scott, what's your opinion of this? etc.?) and I offered to make
suitable inquiries.

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Computer Networking Consultant >
I'd rather crash a Ford than wreck a Chevy
Nolug mailing list
Received on 02/22/03

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