[Nolug] IMAP and performance

From: Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson_at_cox.net>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 23:40:46 -0600
Message-Id: <1067319646.1389.76.camel@haggis>


I'd like to build a mail server out of a mini-ITX box with only a,
probably, 600MHz Via C3 CPU.

Some of the directories will have 30,000+ emails in them. Will
there be a performance problem fetching emails from the server?

Also, will I have to learn procmail? My wife & I can quickly make
filters in Evolution (Tools->'Create Filter From Message' makes it
a snap), but having her log into a mail server to add procmail rules
is just not going to work. (I'm not looking forward to it either,
mind you...)

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA
"For me and windows it became a matter of easy to start with, and
becoming increasingly difficult to be productive as time went on,
and if something went wrong very difficult to fix, compared to
linux's large over head setting up and learning the system with
ease of use and the increase in productivity becoming larger the
longer I use the system."
Rohan Nicholls , The Netherlands
Nolug mailing list
Received on 10/27/03

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