nolugarchives Jul 2009 by subject
- [Nolug] BarCamp NOLA
- [Nolug] boat anchors
- [Nolug] BSD vs GPL
- [Nolug] Computer_hardware_poster -- A really neat image collage of hardware past and present
- [Nolug] Computer_hardware_poster -- A really neat image collageof hardware past and present
- [Nolug] Cox outage?
- [Nolug] Database design
- [Nolug] Good server deal
- [Nolug] Google Voice app for Palm Pre (if anyone here has the ability to test, please provide feedback)
- [Nolug] GPL means MS open sources code
- [Nolug] interesting craisglist post
- [Nolug] meeting tomorrow for those not going to the parade
- [Nolug] Need advice on new mobo
- [Nolug] need CSS help
- [Nolug] nmap 5 released!
- [Nolug] Palm Pre - Dev Kit and End User experience (super short review)
- [Nolug] Ruby Bayou: New Orleans Ruby User Group
- [Nolug] STUND
- [Nolug] Summer Christmas party next month
- [Nolug] Sun keyboards and mice
- [Nolug] SUSE Studio: WOW!
- [Nolug] Thursday's meeting
- [Nolug] Thursday's meeting)
- [Nolug] Unsecured wireless networks with everybody's favorite OS
- NOLUG mailing list bug
- Palm Pre - Dev Kit and End User experience (super short review)