nolugarchives Dec 2008 by subject
- [Nolug] 3G to Wifi
- [Nolug] anybody got a 3-way cable splitter
- [Nolug] boat anchor laptops
- [Nolug] Christmas Dinner
- [Nolug] Christmas eet up
- [Nolug] and choosing a close mirror
- [Nolug] distro recommendation
- [Nolug] Due to the economic crunch, this comic is in LPP (limited panel production) Mode.
- [Nolug] E-commerce security nightmare
- [Nolug] Free Books for LUGS
- [Nolug] FSF vs Cisco (Round 1 *ding*ding*)
- [Nolug] Funny email
- [Nolug] Fwd: [sf-lug] Dell is promoting Linux in its slick glossy catalog
- [Nolug] Geek/Nerd Humor
- [Nolug] greetings from the land going under
- [Nolug] HP Deskjet 870Cse for free if you want it
- [Nolug] Introducing myself
- [Nolug] Introducing myself - possible android app
- [Nolug] Introducing myself - SMPP client
- [Nolug] Introducing myself - transcoding
- [Nolug] irc channel
- [Nolug] Linux Splash Screens
- [Nolug] list archives updated
- [Nolug] meeting tonight... CC's coffeeshop
- [Nolug] mysql vs postgres
- [Nolug] need generic AT power supply
- [Nolug] On Sharing
- [Nolug] One Weekend Messing With Perl
- [Nolug] Python : Confusion
- [Nolug] RMS vs Cisco (Round 1 *ding*ding*)
- [Nolug] RMS vs Cisco (Round 1 *ding*ding*))
- [Nolug] Software patents
- [Nolug] Who usually shows up for meetings?
- [Nolug] Who usually shows up for meetings?)
- OT: "Smart kids" tangent