nolugarchives Aug 2004 by subject
- [Nolug] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, August 23]
- [Nolug] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, August 6]
- [Nolug] A "keystroke learn" key in vim?
- [Nolug] a couple of book reviews
- [Nolug] a place for politics
- [Nolug] Amusement
- [Nolug] announcing the New Orleans PHP User Group
- [Nolug] Are You Noticing Nerd Fatigue?
- [Nolug] AS/400 ports
- [Nolug] August meeting
- [Nolug] Backup MX testing...
- [Nolug] Book for sale
- [Nolug] Can IE run on Linux?
- [Nolug] Can IE run on Linux?)
- [Nolug] Check out HP delivers Linux laptop - News - ZDNet
- [Nolug] check this out
- [Nolug] Circles and squares
- [Nolug] Cool wired house in OldMetairie)
- [Nolug] cox new orleans outage? - Cause and Explanation
- [Nolug] Cox's new 4Mbps. Woo hoo!!
- [Nolug] debian kernel config
- [Nolug] deciding where to eat Thursday
- [Nolug] dinner Thursday: LA Pizza Kitchen
- [Nolug] Downers Grove, IL.....
- [Nolug] Fall presentation series
- [Nolug] food poll
- [Nolug] FREE: Dell Computer Laptop Docking Station
- [Nolug] Fwd: Free Linux stuff from Novell
- [Nolug] Fwd: mozilla with macromedia flash plugin 6
- [Nolug] Fwd: Next advanced meeting - VMware - Sep 8'th, 2004
- [Nolug] Glogs and galleries
- [Nolug] Glogs and galleries)
- [Nolug] Guerilla Linux
- [Nolug] Guerilla Linux --- Saturday at PJs @ Clearview Mall
- [Nolug] handy weather site
- [Nolug] head count for Baton Rouge VMware meeting
- [Nolug] help wanted: telephone technician
- [Nolug] HP's First Linux Notebook
- [Nolug] IE bug bounty
- [Nolug] IMPORTANT: State radio and TV board wants to license computer techs
- [Nolug] Interesting
- [Nolug] InterWEB
- [Nolug] IRC channels
- [Nolug] Linking License
- [Nolug] Linux Keyboards Introduced
- [Nolug] looking for ram
- [Nolug] Looking to trade
- [Nolug] media players
- [Nolug] Meeting - Worm Control and Deflection
- [Nolug] Microsoft Pledge
- [Nolug] Monitor for sale
- [Nolug] Mouse
- [Nolug] networking question
- [Nolug] New Live CD
- [Nolug] New Worm Hijacks Webcams
- [Nolug] Not a Linux request
- [Nolug] OS/X
- [Nolug] OT: Politics
- [Nolug] part time job offer
- [Nolug] PHP user group --- show of hands, please
- [Nolug] Pizza it is
- [Nolug] Please Ignore this, I am testing my ability to get a post thru
- [Nolug] PPPoE
- [Nolug] Professional Question
- [Nolug] Rant Wiki
- [Nolug] Rantings of Homer Simpson
- [Nolug] Relaying email for other boxes on my LAN
- [Nolug] router on a floppy
- [Nolug] S...l...o...w system
- [Nolug] shell colors
- [Nolug] Squid Logfile Rotation
- [Nolug] State radio and TV board wants to license computer techs
- [Nolug] sysadmin quiz
- [Nolug] Teaching a Computer Elective
- [Nolug] tech thingie in Lafayette
- [Nolug] testing relayhost
- [Nolug] Using ssmtp to feed emails to my ISP
- [Nolug] who doesn't like sushi?
- [Nolug] Wireless card should be working
- [Nolug] zope / plone
- How the media controls society
- OT: Politics